The Uttar Pradesh government has given instructions to chief medical officers and chief medical superintendents of women’s hospitals to input real-time data on newborns into the mother-newborn tracking application, known as the Mantra app. This directive aims to monitor the health of children and reduce child mortality rates.
Deputy Chief Minister Brajesh Pathak, who also serves as the health minister, urged officials to promptly implement this measure and emphasized the importance of not being careless, as real-time data would contribute to future planning efforts aimed at improving welfare programs and reducing child mortality. Pathak highlighted that the Mantra app was created to enhance delivery and referral services at state medical health units by digitizing the labor room register, thereby making all data available in real time. He noted that currently, the app is being used in 25,814 state health units, with a total of 2.68 million institutional deliveries recorded as of May 15th.
Pathak further advocated for extending the implementation of data input through the Mantra app to other women’s institutions. To achieve this, a blueprint should be prepared, and officials should regularly review the program’s progress, working towards overcoming any technical or other obstacles that may arise.